How to use Cursors in SQL Server

Cursors are a useful tool to move through a recordset within a stored procedure in many DataBase Management Systems (D.B.M.S.) such as SQL Server and Oracle. How they are implemented can be different, Oracle and SQL Server cursors are similar but you couldn't run one on the other without tweaking. They can also have a downside as being efficient and slow. Efficiency and a different way to do things will be considered in a different blog article but now, lets see how to use them.

create table solarplanets (id int identity(1,1),name varchar(20))
    Insert into solarplanets values ('Mercury');
    Insert into solarplanets values ('Venus');
    Insert into solarplanets values ('Earth');
    Insert into solarplanets values ('Mars');
    Insert into solarplanets values ('Ceres');
    Insert into solarplanets values ('Jupiter');
    Insert into solarplanets values ('Saturn');
    Insert into solarplanets values ('Uranus');
    Insert into solarplanets values ('Neptune');
    Insert into solarplanets values ('Pluto');

Create table solarmoons (id int identity(1,1), planet varchar(20), name varchar(20))
    Insert into solarmoons values ('Earth','Moon')
    Insert into solarmoons values ('Mars','Phobos')
    Insert into solarmoons values ('Mars','Deimos')

We'll use the above tables for our examples. Below is an example of a simple single Cursor.

declare @Name varchar(20)
declare @Moon varchar(20)-- Used in the nested example.

declare crs cursor for Select name from Solarplanets

open crs
fetch next from crs into @Name
while @@fetch_status = 0
    delete from solarplanets where name in ('Ceres','Pluto')
    print @Name
    fetch next from crs into @Name

close crs
deallocate crs

A couple of things you will notice and are correct.

if(Select count(*) from solarplanets where name = @Name) = 1
    print @Name

Nested Cursors

It is possible to have nested cursors so one cursor can react to the other. To see a nested cursor, add the following code after

Print @Name

in the example above.

        if(Select count(*) from solarmoons where planet = @name) > 0
                declare mooncrs cursor for select name from solarmoons where planet = @name
                open mooncrs
                fetch next from mooncrs into @Moon
                While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
                    Print ' ' +@Moon
                    fetch next from mooncrs into @Moon
            close mooncrs
            deallocate mooncrs

Tags - SQL   Cursor

Last Modified : June 2023

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