Universe Guide Blog Archive 6
How to avoid CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) when using ShareThis.com site plug-in. / 21st August 2021 12:30 PM
Using tools such as ShareThis can help group your visitor base, but if you incorrectly use the "Inline Share Button", the result can be an SEO mistake and hurt rankings. Read More...
How to read a .CSV file using C# (.NET) / 18th August 2021 6:34 PM
In this article, you'll find out how to split a .csv formatted line into constituent parts. It takes care of commas being inside cells in the line, protected by speech marks. Read More...
How to create a unique index on SQL Server table with null values / 17th August 2021 10:15 PM
Ever tried to create a unique index on a field with null values, using the standard create index statement, you'll get an error. It is possible to create a unique index and will show you how. Read More...
How do you make a C# (.NET) console application open full screen? / 17th August 2021 1:17 PM
.NET console applications always open as a small window. Enclosed is a way to make the console application go full screen once loaded. Read More...
What is Windows Communication Foundation (W.C.F.)? / 15th August 2021 7:29 PM
Brief introduction to Microsoft's Windows Communication (W.C.F.) introduced in .NET 3.0. Read More...
What is LINQ in .NET? / 15th August 2021 6:42 PM
Language INtegrated Query (LINQ) is a feature introduced in .NET 3.5 that allows developers to query a collection of object, in the same way SQL queries records in a database table(s). Read More...
Beginners guide to .NET Error Handling / 15th August 2021 6:36 PM
Error Handling in .NET uses structured error handling, unlike the old VB6 technique of On Error Handling. Read More...
What is Binary Serialization in .NET? / 15th August 2021 6:16 PM
Binary Serialization is one of three ways that .NET developers can save an object to a file so that it can be loaded back at a later time. Read More...
.NET Basics / 15th August 2021 6:12 PM
A brief introduction to what Microsoft .NET is all about. Read More...
What are Auto-Implemented Properties in .NET? / 15th August 2021 6:06 PM
Description of what Auto-Implemented Parameters that was introduced in .NET 3.0. Makes coding of Properties a long easier so you don't have to code the property, its done for you. Read More...